Language is a useful medium for communication - so is art, so is music, so are physical demonstrations and body language. But all of these mechanisms are imperfect. There is no way to properly express what I see internally, what my brain is imagining at one particularly instant.
What I am thinking about right now, I can attempt to express to you: a mountain, with an apartment complex in front of it; trees waving in the breeze, sounds of birds, particular makes of cars driving by, the precise hues of a Colorado sunset - but I can't communicate to you *perfectly*, so that you feel exactly as I do.
A video? That might come close to giving an accurate representation, physically, but how do you know what I'm -feeling-, what my reaction would be to this environment, emotionally? Would I be remembering peaceful moments, companionship, or something more unpleasant? Do I have any connection to this setting at all? Would I think it beautiful, or feel irritated by having a rugged mountain blocked by a building?
The more mediums provided describing a particular scene, the more familiar you would become with that idea, and that situation. I guess that's why I read so much, about physics, about literature, about everything that interests me. I want to KNOW it. I want to be so familiar with that particular idea that I can have a chance at explaining it to another person (albeit imperfectly). When I think of relativity, or quantum electrodynamics, I want to KNOW it, like I know a lover's body - every freckle, every scar, the pigments, how their flesh feels in every sort of temperature.
... This probably doesn't make a lot of sense.
But that's the point, right? I'm using only one medium - the English language, as written hurriedly in a blog post - to express a multifaceted concept. It's deliciously impossible to convey what I'm feeling.
But Jesus, I love trying :)
<3s and stars.
We live as we dream, dear pajj. :)